Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

I know I'm almost a week late! lol I don't really know why. No excuses... just because I guess! Anyway, we had an awesome Thanksgiving with great food and family! I brought my camera, but of course forgot to take pics! *D'oh!* Oh well, I got a couple of myself and Tom-Tom before we left for the festivities.

 I was trying to get a pic of his hair because I spiked it. Can't really see it because of the sun though.

Hi! Happy Thanksgiving!

Here's my cousin and I belly to belly! lol

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


It's been kinda quiet around here lately. Not much going on, just getting ready to eat good on Thnksgiving and waiting on Sophia to make her appearance. 40 weeks and 1 day today.

This picture was taken yesterday at 40 weeks even.

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Fun weekend.

I know, I'm kinda late to be posting about the weekend that just past. Since Halloween was on Monday it still felt like the weekend... kinda.

We had a fun Halloween weekend. Saturday, we sat around the house all day because hubby had to work, but that night we went to Trunk-or-Treat at a local church.We went with my cousin (Amanda), her hubby (Travis) and their oldest (Wade) and my cousins sis-in-law, her hubby and their 5 kids. We had fun! I forgot my camera so I didn't get any pics. :(

Sunday, we did nothing until about 4pm. At 4 we went to our church's Fall Festival and had a BLAST!! It was so much fun! They had inflatable bouncy house's, HUGE inflatable slides, cookie decorating, puppet shows and a little concert. We went with Amanda, Travis, Wade and their youngest Colin. Mary (Travis' cousin) was also there with her LO Allen. I, of course, forgot my camera... again. I didn't get any pics, but luckily some other people remembered their camera's and got some good pics. I don't have any to post as of right now, but I will try to get some pics from my cousin computer tomorrow.

Monday was Halloween! :-D We didn't do much during the day because everyone was at work. Monday night we went Trick-or-Treating and we had sooo much fun. Even though it was cold and I was freezing! lol We still had lots of fun. I actually remembered my camera this time and got some pics!! :-D You just can't see them yet because I have to upload them onto my computer! Here's some that Amanda got, though.

 Wade and his little brother Colin.
All the kids. From left to right: Sydney, Wade, Kaitlyn, Tom-Tom and Allen in the back. :-D
And here's something for scare ya! My dork of a husband and his Halloween makeup!

On another note, Sophia's due date is in just 18 days!!! :-D ;-D YAYYY!! I hope she comes soon becasue this heartburn is kicking my booty! That, and I just can't wait to hold and cuddle her!